Kviečiame dalyvauti EBSCO organizuojamuose internetiniuose seminaruose

Svarbiausios | 2020-05-11

Gegužės mėnesį KTU bendruomenės narius kviečiame dalyvauti ir pagilinti savo žinias apie informacijos išteklių paiešką EBSCO organizuojamuose internetiniuose seminaruose.

Seminarai vyks anglų kalba. Pasirinkite dominančią temą iš sąrašo žemiau ir registruokitės į seminarus.

  • Topic: How to create search and publication alerts?
    Date: May 14, 2020
    Time: 13:00


Search alerts allow to follow the topic by receiving regularly the report of new added articles on the EBSCOhost platform without logging into EBSCOhost. Publication alert allow to be updated about new issues of some journal added to the platform. During the session we will show how to set the alert for more effective work.

  • Topic: Useful features on EBSCOhost platform
    Date: May 20, 2020
    Time: 12:00


After the session you will know how to save articles on the PC and to the cloud, how to save search strategies, how to use search modes, limiters and expanders.

  • Topic: Tips & tricks for advanced search
    Date: May 21, 2020
    Time: 14:00

During the session you will learn how to use thesaurus, special characters, indexes and searchable fields on EBSCOhost platform.

  • Topic: Advantages of having My EBSCOhost account
    Date: May 26, 2020
    Time: 12:00

The session dedicated to individual My EBSCOhost account. We will explain why it is worthy to create an account. Moreover, the participants will learn how to organize saved articles within personal folders and share it with other EBSCOhost users.

  • Topic: Non-standard solutions for sharing eBooks
    Date: May 27, 2020
    Time: 11:30


During the session we will show non-standard options for purchasing eBooks as Demand Driven Acquisition, Suggest the purchase, Concurrent Access, Short Term Loan.

  • Topic: Using eBooks based on eBook Public Library Collection
    Date: May 28, 2020
    Time: 11:30

After the session you will know how to read eBooks online, how to download the chapter of the eBook or save full title. We will explain how to use eBook on smartphones, tablets and eReaders.