EBSCO internetiniai seminarai vasario mėn.

Svarbiausios | 2021-01-27

KTU bendruomenės narius maloniai kviečiame dalyvauti EBSCO organizuojamuose internetiniuose seminaruose, kuriuose sužinosite, kaip naudotis: el. knygomis, EBSCOhost įrankiais, EBSCO platformos teikiamomis galimybėmis. Mokymų metu bus apžvelgiami ištekliai, susiję su aplinkos mokslu, svarbiausi klausimai, norint plėtoti el. knygų kolekciją bibliotekoje, taip pat aptariama, kaip naudotis EBSCOhost platforma, siekiant pagerinti užsienio kalbos įgūdžius.

  • Using EBSCO e-books
    Mokymų aprašymas: Practical training during which participants will learn: how to use EBSCO e-books online; how to download full e-books and chapters; how to use e-books on smartphones, tablets and readers; how to download and authorize Adobe Digital Editions.
    Data: vasario 3 d., (trečiadienis)
    Laikas: 11.30–12.15


  • EBSCOhost platform for beginners
    Mokymų aprašymas: During the session, we will review the EBSCOhost platform features. We will present search examples for basic and advanced search screen. After the session the participants will know how to log in into the platform, which resources they can find there, how to conduct a search, how to limit and expand the results, how to read and download articles.
    Data: vasario 9 d., (antradienis)
    Laikas: 15.00–15.45


  • EBSCOhost tools useful when writing a thesis
    Mokymų aprašymas: A training designed for students preparing to write their master’s thesis. During this practical session, we will tell you how to effectively use the functions available on the EBSCOhost platform, such as: saving articles to the cloud to Google Drive, citing an article, saving search history, creating and using a personal My EBSCOhost account, saving results to a folder, creating alerts, exporting bibliographic data to programs such as Zotero, Mendeley, EndNote.
    Data: vasario 12 d., (penktadienis)
    Laikas: 11.30–12.30


  • EBSCO resources for environmental science and ecology
    Mokymų aprašymas: During the session, we will review the most important EBSCO resources that are useful for students of faculties related to the broad issue of environmental science. Apart from discussing the content of databases (as Environment Complete, Energy & Power Source, CAB Abstracts with full text, GeoRef), we will present available e-books on similar topics. The session will end with a search workshop on the EBSCOhost platform.
    Data: vasario 17 d., (trečiadienis)
    Laikas: 11.30–12.30


  • EBSCO eBook purchase models
    Mokymų aprašymas: During the training, we will speak about the most important issues that we should know before deciding to develop the e-book collection in the library. We will discuss: a purchase limited to the number of simultaneous users, the purchase of a pre-defined collection, subscription, purchase of DRM and DRMfree titles.
    Data: vasario 24 d. (trečiadienis)
    Laikas: 13.00–13.45


  • How to use the EBSCOhost platform to improve foreign language skills?
    Mokymų aprašymas: On the EBSCOhost platform, you will find numerous examples of publications available in various popular languages, including English, German, Russian, Portuguese and French. Thanks to the available options as downloading articles, listening to or translating materials, you can improve foreign language skills and knowledge. During this session, we will look at interesting platform features that allow you to become more familiar with the language and expand your vocabulary.
    Data: vasario 25 d. (ketvirtadienis)
    Laikas: 13.30–14.15