KTU bendruomenės narius kviečiame registruotis ir dalyvauti EBSCO organizuojamuose internetiniuose seminaruose, kurių metu sužinosite kaip naudotis EBSCO platformos teikiamomis galimybėmis, kur ieškoti prenumeruojamų išteklių, elektroninių ir garso knygų.
- Tips on Using EBSCO eBooks™ for Research Purpos
Mokymų aprašymas: Practical training during which participants will learn how to use EBSCO eBooks online, how to download full e-books and chapters, how to use e-books on smartphones, tablets and readers and how to download and authorize Adobe Digital Editions.
Data: sausio 19 d. (antradienis)
Laikas: 11.30-12.30
- EBSCO Databases Available Through the National License in Latvia and Lithuania
Mokymų aprašymas: During the session, we will review the EBSCO databases available for institutions through the national license in Latvia and Lithuania. The end users have access to EBSCO Open Dissertations™ – an international database of diploma theses and dissertations, and many extensive scientific databases. The Academic Search™ Complete and Business Source® Complete databases, included partly in the package, are among the most frequently used scientific resources in the world.
Data: sausio 20 d. (trečiadienis)
Laikas: 11.30-12.30
- Explore Audiobooks from EBSCO
Mokymų aprašymas: During the session, we will explore all that EBSCO Audiobooks have to offer and how to use them. We will also demonstrate how to use the EBSCO Audiobooks application.
Data: sausio 28 d. (ketvirtadienis)
Laikas: 14-14.40
- Webinar: „Make This Your Finest Hour: GRACE Under Pressure”
Mokymų aprašymas: Crisis can bring out the best in leaders; they must rise to the challenge of a world turned upside down. The very best leaders do this by leveraging their purpose with their sense of grace. Leaders need to demonstrate resilience in the face of adversity, provide clarity in times of uncertainty, and deliver hope when fear abounds. And do it all with a sense of grace that reflects humility, empathy and respect for others.
Data: sausio 21 d. (ketvirtadienis)
Laikas: 11-11:45
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