EBSCO organizuojami seminarai birželio mėn.

Svarbiausios | 2020-06-10

Birželio mėnesį KTU bendruomenės narius kviečiame dalyvauti EBSCO organizuojamuose internetiniuose seminaruose ir pagilinti savo žinias apie informacijos išteklių paiešką EBSCO duomenų bazėse.

Seminarai vyks anglų kalba. Pasirinkite dominančią temą iš sąrašo žemiau ir registruokitės į seminarus.

  • Academic Search™ Ultimate – Multidisciplinary source for global perspective
    Date: Tuesday, June 16, 2020 | Time: 13:00 | REGISTER
    During the session we will conduct searches based on the resources available in the multidisciplinary database, Academic Search Ultimate.
  • Flipster® – An awarded tool of digital magazines
    Date: Wednesday, June 17, 2020 | Time: 11:30 | REGISTER
    A session dedicated to Flipster – an online platform for accessing digital versions of popular magazines.
  • How to find interesting articles and create a bibliography with EBSCO databases
    Date: Thursday, June 18, 2020 | Time: 12:00 | REGISTER
    During this session, we will use search examples to show how to use limiters and search models for better search results. We will work with full-text articles and show how to create a bibliography in the most effective way.
  • APA PsycArticles® – Rich, peer-reviewed materials for psychological studies
    Date: Wednesday, June 24, 2020 | Time: 11:30 | REGISTER
    During the session we will run many search examples dedicated to psychological studies based on the American Psychological Association database.
  • Using EBSCO eBooks™
    Date: Wednesday, June 24, 2020 | Time: 13:00 | REGISTER
    After the session participants will know how to use e-books online, how to save part of the e-book, or download full titles for some particular period of time.
  • The New EBSCO Mobile App
    Date: Tuesday, June 30, 2020 | Time: 12:00 | REGISTER
    During this session, we will look at the new EBSCO mobile app which is currently available for smartphones.