Web of Science grupė pristato internetinių seminarų ciklą tyrėjams “Research. Smarter.”

Svarbiausios | 2019-09-05

2019 m. Rugsėjo mėn. seminarai

Unlocking analytics and citation metrics

Laikas. Rugsėjo 12 d. 12 val.

Experts will demonstrate how to gain insight and identify trends in research using powerful data mining tools. Learn how to master Analyse Results on essential bibliographic data and extend your understanding of Citation based Reports and Metrics across Web of Science, Journal Citation ReportsEssential Science Indicators and InCites Benchmarking and Analysis.


Simplify your search

Laikas. Rugsėjo 24 d. 12 val.

Did you know that FSTA, CABI, INSPEC or MEDLINE are all available in Web of Science? Join this webinar and learn how you can save time and reduce the number of browser tabs you have open by using Web of Science to search multiple databases at once.


Need funding data? We’ve got you covered.

Laikas. Rugsėjo 30 d. 12 val.

Experts will explain how to search for and analyse funding data in the Web of Science. Learn about the improvement to Funding data which makes searching for a unified name possible, thanks to a powerful algorithm enhancing over 1,000 funder names in the Web of Science.